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“Propane and Electricity: Keeping the Heat on and Powering Up Our Grid” (April 9, 2021)

Discussion with Jenn Hill, Citizens Utility Board of Michigan

Propane has been in the news in the UP during this winter as it became another battleground in the fight to close Line 5. Enbridge, the owner of the pipeline, has been waging a propaganda campaign with its allies that is meant to create fear, alarm and confusion about what would happen to propane supplies if the line is shut down. Jenn Hill, who has been on the UP Energy Task Force from the beginning, will be able to inform our audience on how the recommendations crafted by the task force on alternative sources for propane became a political football.

Then we’ll switch to work done by the energy task force on our electrical generation capacity during the past year. Will solar and wind projects become the norm? What’s in store for consumers with our widely varying utility bills? Is electrification of transportation feasible in the UP? And many more details.

Jenn Hill is a board member of the Citizens Utility Board of Michigan, and a Marquette City Council member. Jenn has a master’s degree in urban planning. She and her husband reside in Marquette.

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